Jamaican Lemon Garlic Curry Shrimp

Curried shrimp is a very loved dish in Jamaica, but not all homes will make this dish, as it can be an expensive dish to make. You may find that shrimp are more expensive than some fish and some people would rather buy fish. You may find curried shrimp dinner in some of the restaurants or hotels. There are many ways to cook shrimp but below is one of my favorite way. 

Lemon Garlic Curried Shrimp With Steam Cabbage And White Rice

Garlic Lemon Curried Shrimp
Lemon Garlic Curried Shrimp
Chopped Onion, Escallion, Sweet Pepper
Chopped sweet pepper, onion, escallion, garlic, curry powder mixed with jerk season, season salt, and black pep
Shrimp season with curry powder, jerk season, season salt and black pepper
Saute’ curry shrimp in butter with all other ingredients

Recipe: Garlic Lemon Curried Shrimp

Serving 6-8 people

2 lbs pack frozen cooked shrimp (check expiration date)

4 tbsp vinegar

1/4 cup oil or butter 

1 whole lemon

1 1/2 tsp season salt

1 tsp jerk season powder or mixture (optional)

1 tsp black pepper

2 tbsp curry powder

1 large onion (cut up)

4 stalk escallion (chopped)

10 cloves garlic (minced)

2 large like sweet pepper or (4 mini sweet pepper) chopped

1 cup chopped large or baby carrot (optional)


(1) Keep shrimp in refrigerator until it’s thawed out. Mixed vinegar with water to cover the amount of shrimp, then put back in refrigerator until seasoning is being prepared

(2) Combine curry all other dried ingredient together and set aside

3) Chop up onion, escallion and garlic and set aside

(4) Slice lemon in thin slices 

(5) Take shrimp out of refrigerator and pour off water

(6) Get season mixture and rub in shrimp like picture above

(7) Heat up your butter or oil in a skillet until it’s hot (do not burn butter or oil)

(8) When oil is ready pour shrimp in and sauté

9) Keep turning until shrimp is properly sautéed and with a nice yellowish color

(10) Pour in chopped garlic along with the onion, escallion and lemon slices

(11) Turn stove on medium and let simmer until lemon skin is tender and garlic is cooked

(12) Now your Garlic Lemon Curried Shrimp is ready to be served

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