Jamaican Crispy Soft Fried Dumplings

Fried dumplings is a Jamaican breakfast meal. It can be eaten with spinach, steam cabbage, eggs or eggs and bacon, ackee and salt fish or any other meat kind. It is crispy on the outside but soft on the inside. It’s very easy to make.

Fried Dumplings
Jamaican Crispy Soft Fried Dumplingss
Flour Dough For Dumplings
Flour Dough For Dumplings
Prepared Dumplings For Frying
Prepared Dumplings For Frying


Make about 12-14 depends on size

4 cups all purpose flour

3 tsps baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

3/4 cup to 1 cup water

Oil for frying


(1) Sift flour, salt and baking powder in a bowl. Sifting makes the mixture lighter.

(2) Add water to flour and mixed with a spoon and then with your hand as mixture gets together

(3) Continue kneed with you hand until mixture is smooth and none-sticky like above.

(4) Pinch off dough in 12-14 pieces and roll in palm of hand into little balls, then flatted with fingers like above and set aside

(5) Heat oil at medium heat in pot, enough to fry dumplings on both sides

(6) Put as much prepared dumplings in the pot 1 inch apart (dumplings do rise and therefore needs space)

(7) When dumplings is lightly brown on one side, turn on the other side (do not fry too dark)

(8) Take a fork and stick through dumplings, fork should come out dry when properly fried.

(9) Dumplings can be eaten with any form of meat (can be a change from eatings rice)

( 10) Can also be eaten for breakfast or lunch.

That it! Enjoy!

Ripe And Green Fried Plantains

Plantain is a popular fruit grown locally that is served as a side dish with many Jamaican cuisines. Plantain is a versatile fruit and can be used in pastries and other delicious dishes when ripe. It can be used ripe or green depends on what purpose you are using it for. You can use green plantains for a good bowl of porridge, deep fried to make chips or just fry crispy for breakfast or brunch. Green fried plantain can be enjoyed with some steam cabbage, bacon and eggs or ackee and salt fish.

Fried Ripe Plantains

Fried Ripe Plantans
Fried Ripe Plantains

Fried green plantains

Green Fried Plantains With Steam Cabbage
Green Fried Plantains With Cabbage

Jamaican Delicious Chicken Soup

Below is a simple chicken soup with pumpkin, squash, corn and some little dumplings they call pillars. If you are a vegan person, this soup can be cooked without chicken and it’s still delicious. I like my soup simple but most Jamaican add different food kind to chicken soup such as yam, breadfruit, dumplings, cocoa, etc. None the less, it’s still delicious how ever you make it.

Chicken Vegetable Soup
Jamaican Delicious Chicken Soup


Serve about 6-8 people

1 lb chicken (legs or thighs

1 1/2 cups cubed carrot or baby carrot

1 1/2 cups pumpkin cut up

1 1/2 cups banana squash sliced

1 cup zucchini sliced

1 tsp all purpose seasoning

1 tsp garlic powder or 4 pieces of garlic chopped

1/2 tsp salt

6 pieces of corns

4 irish potatoes cut in 4 pieces each

1/2 tsp of dried thyme

1/2 lb flour (optional)


(1) Boil chicken in 2 quarts of water for about 30-40 minutes

(2) Add pumpkin and carrot to chicken for another 10 minutes

(3) Add salt, all purpose seasoning, garlic and stir pot

(4) Drop in corn and irish potatoes

(5) Let corn and irish potatoes cook before adding zucchini and banana squash slices.

(6) Sprinkle in thyme

(7) Let soup simmers, stirring occasionally that nothing sticks to pot

(8) Taste if soup is to your satisfaction and then turn off stove


Jamaican Delicious Fish Soup Or Fish Tea

In most homes in Jamaica soup is usually cooked on Thursdays or Saturdays. It’s usually beef soup, pepper pot soup, chicken soup, fish soup or (fish tea), peas soup which is made with different kinds of (beans, lentils, pigeon peas, red peas). Jamaicans puts different vegetables in their soup as well as other things like yam, coco-yam, breadfruit, banana, potatoes and other ground provisions, along with dumplings (plain flour dumplings or mixed with cornmeal). This depends on the type of soup you are making. There is also the manish water soup made from goat head and intestines. You will find the manish water soup mostly at the dance halls where they are keep a dance or a party. All these soups are very delicious! Below is a pot of fish soup.

Fish Soup
Jamaican Delicious Fish Soup
Fish Soup Dinner
Jamaican Fish Soup Dinner


Servings of 6

1 lb of fish head or whole fish (Use fish with less bones)

2 quart cold water

4 cloves garlic

1 tsp salt

1 sprig green thyme or 1/4 tsp dried thyme

2 stalks escallion

3-4 green bananas

4-6 irish potatoes cut in 4 pieces each

sprinkle of dried pepper (scotch bonnet preferred)

1 cup pumpkin cubes


(1) Boil fish in water with salt for about 20 minutes

(2) Take fish out of liquid and remove all the flesh from the bone and set aside

(3) Take the fluid that the fish was boiled in and strain through to remove any bone

(4) Put both liquid and fish back in pot and continue boiling

(5) Add irish potatoes, pumpkin and garlic

(6) Cut up green bananas in 1 inch thick circles (wash and don’t peel) add to pot along with rest of ingredients

(7) Cook for another 30 minutes stirring occasionally.

Note: You can add dumplings, carrot and other vegetable to your likeness

Jamaican Delicious Crispy Fried Chicken Dinner

This dish is one of Jamaicans main cuisines. It’s served in many restaurant and homes. Jamaicans likes the crispiness of the chicken. This dish is served with rice & peas, shredded cabbage and carrot. Dish can also be served with white rice and other vegetables..

Fried Chicken With Rice And Peas
Crispy Fried Chicken Dinner


Serve 4-6 people

  • 3-4 lbs chicken legs or thighs
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice or vinegar to wash chicken
  • 3 tbsp all purpose seasoning
  • 2 tsp jerk season powder or hot sauce (optional to make chicken a little spicy)
  • 1/2 tsp dried thyme (optional)
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup evaporate milk
  • 4 cup seasoned bread crumbs or finely crush corn flakes
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • Oil for frying chicken (enough to half cover chicken when frying). Can also deep fry if you have a deep fryer
  • Preparation:
  • (1) Soak chicken in water with vinegar or lime juice for 10 minutes
  • (2) Drain water from chicken
  • (3) Season chicken with all purpose season, thyme, black pepper, and hot sauce or jerk season (jerk powder optional)
  • (4) Make sure you get the season into the chicken, do not remove skin, set aside in fridge for 1-2 hours.
  • (5) Beat egg, milk and paprika, in a dish and set aside.
  • (6) Mixed bread crumps or crushed corn flakes and flour together in a dish and set aside.
  • (7) Dip chicken in egg, milk and, paprika mixture then dip into bread cups mixture (can do it without milk also)
  • (8) Roll over chicken in bread crumps mixture until it is covered
  • (9) Heat enough oil in frying pan to half cover chicken, oil should be hot but not smokey hot
  • (10) Gradually lower the chicken with a fork into the hot oil.
  • (11) Fry slowly until oil penetrate the inside of the chicken turning pieces occasionally
  • (12) Inside of chicken should be properly cook and outside should be golden brown and crispy
  • Note: If you want to make gravy for the chicken, just pour off some of the oil that you cooked with to about 1/4 cup. Cut up onion and other ingredients you want to put in it. Take 2 tablespoons of the bread crumbs mixture and 1 cup of water and combined with the other ingredients and simmer down in the oil until mixture is a little thickened

Jamaican Ackee And Salted Fished Breakfast

This is one of our favorite Jamaican cuisines, ackee cooked with salt fish (cod fish or bacalao). Ackee is known by all Jamaican as the “National Dish of Jamaica”. Below is a dish of fried festival dumplings, fried plantains and ackee and salt fish.

Ackee & Salted Fish With Fried Dumplings& Plantains
Ackee And Cod Fish
Ackee & Salted Cod Fish


Servings: 4-6

1 tin ackee (in the international isle in any major supermarket)

1/2 lb boneless salted fish (cod fish or bacalao)

1 onion cut in onion rings

2 medium tomato cut up

1 large sweet pepper cut up (any color)

1/2 tsp jerk powder or jerk paste (optional) 

1/4 cup olive oil or (vegetable oil)

1/2 tsp black pepper


(1) Bring to boil 1/2 lb boneless salted fish (cod fish) in a pot with water, boil for about 10 minutes

(2) Pour off hot water and soak salt fish in cold water separating into pieces for another hour or two (better if soaked overnight (less salt)

(3) Prepare ackee by opening tin, drain water of and put in a pot with boiling water for 5 minutes

(4) Strain water off ackee and set aside

(5) Cut up onion, tomato and pepper like image (1) above, set aside

(6) Prepare salted fish (cod fish)as above searching for any bones as in image (2)

(7) Combine salt fish, cut up onion, tomato and sweet pepper along with jerk powder or sauce (optional) and black pepper like image (3)

(8) Heat oil in pot and add all combine ingredients, stir occasionally for 3 minutes

(9) Pure in ackee and stir everything together and let it sauté for another 8 minutes

(10) Serve hot with fried dumplings, bread etc.

Note: Some people adds beacon or corn pork

Jamaican Braised Pork Chops Dinner

There is a population of Jamaican that does not eat pork meat, but I would say that most does. There are many ways that we cook pork meat. Some of our favorite ways are to jerk, pot roasted and braised. Below is a simple dish of braised pork chops.

Braised Pork Chops Dinner
Jamaican Braised Pork Chops Dinner
Braised Pork Chops
Pork Chops Gravy


Serve 2-3 people

1+1/2 -2lbs thick pork chops

1/4 cup seasoned or plain breadcrumbs

1 tbsp jerk powder

1 tsp black pepper

2 tsp garlic powder or 4 cloves chopped garlic

1 tsp all purpose seasoning

2 tbsp vinegar or 1 medium lemon

1 cup water

1/2 cup oil

1 beaten egg (optional) or 1/2 milk


(1) Wash pork chops in vinegar or lemon water

(2) Season pork chops with jerk powder, black pepper, garlic powder, all purpose seasoning using fork to stab little holes in meat

(3) Cover pork chops and put in refrigerator, let it marinate in seasoning for 2 hrs to overnight.

(4) When you are ready to cook, heat you oven to 350 degree

(5) Put pork chops in baking dish and add water to let it steam for about 30 minutes (this keep moisture in when ready to fry)

(6) Prepare bread crumbs and set aside

(7) Prepare beaten egg or milk in another dish and set aside

(8) Heat oil on stove to about medium hot

(9) Take steamed pork chops out of oven, remove from fluid and set fluid aside

(10) Dip pork chops in egg or milk mixture and then into the bread crumbs, make sure the it’s saturated with the bread crumbs on both sides

(11) Gently put pork chops in medium hot oil and let it fry on both sides to a crispy brown, do not burn

(12) When pork chops is all brown, set aside

(13) Take fluid that was set aside from the steamed pork along with 1/4 cup of the used oil and put back on the stove

(14) Add a little of the used crumbs and let it simmer until it get a little thick like in image above

Note: You can pour the gravy on the pork chops or keep them separated until ready to serve.

There was no egg used on the pork chops above.