Jamaican Delicious Chicken Soup

Below is a simple chicken soup with pumpkin, squash, corn and some little dumplings they call pillars. If you are a vegan person, this soup can be cooked without chicken and it’s still delicious. I like my soup simple but most Jamaican add different food kind to chicken soup such as yam, breadfruit, dumplings, cocoa, etc. None the less, it’s still delicious how ever you make it.

Chicken Vegetable Soup
Jamaican Delicious Chicken Soup


Serve about 6-8 people

1 lb chicken (legs or thighs

1 1/2 cups cubed carrot or baby carrot

1 1/2 cups pumpkin cut up

1 1/2 cups banana squash sliced

1 cup zucchini sliced

1 tsp all purpose seasoning

1 tsp garlic powder or 4 pieces of garlic chopped

1/2 tsp salt

6 pieces of corns

4 irish potatoes cut in 4 pieces each

1/2 tsp of dried thyme

1/2 lb flour (optional)


(1) Boil chicken in 2 quarts of water for about 30-40 minutes

(2) Add pumpkin and carrot to chicken for another 10 minutes

(3) Add salt, all purpose seasoning, garlic and stir pot

(4) Drop in corn and irish potatoes

(5) Let corn and irish potatoes cook before adding zucchini and banana squash slices.

(6) Sprinkle in thyme

(7) Let soup simmers, stirring occasionally that nothing sticks to pot

(8) Taste if soup is to your satisfaction and then turn off stove


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